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What to know when looking for affordable dental implants

Dental implants are an effective solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth without spending a fortune. Many people hesitate to get a dental implant because they think it’s expensive. Nevertheless, finding a cheap dental implant can be difficult. If you want to get affordable yet excellent deals, you should know what to look for and where to look.

What Are Dental Implants?

People with missing or damaged teeth can replace them with implants instead of dentures or bridges. A metal post is implanted into your jawbone during this procedure. After that, a replacement tooth will be attached to the metal post. With time, the implant will fuse with your jawbone to form a strong base for the replacement tooth. Is the result satisfactory? It makes a noticeable difference to your appearance and self-esteem! Furthermore, dental implants help prevent bone loss in the jaw and facilitate eating and speaking.

Things To Consider When Looking For Affordable Dental Implants 

  • Oral Health Status

A person’s oral health heavily influences a dental implant’s cost. Before placing the implant, your dentist must treat any gum disease or tooth decay. In certain cases, a bone graft may also be required as part of the treatment. Once the health results are positive, your dentist will discuss the cost and schedule your surgery.

  • Preliminary Measures

Several preliminary procedures are required before implants can be placed, which may increase the overall cost of the procedure. A dentist often needs to perform a bone graft or sinus lift before placing implants. It may also be necessary to extract or trim the surrounding teeth. You may also need your gum tissue contoured. Thus, the cost of dental implants may vary depending on the amount of preliminary work required. 


  • Number of Implants Fitted

One of the biggest factors affecting cost is the number of implants you need. Thus, the overall cost increases with the number. Although it’s not just about the number, it is also imperative to consider the type of implant your dentist will use. 

  • Implant Manufacturer

A few companies produce implants at a lower cost than others, which is typically passed on to patients. Titanium ones are usually the least expensive option, while zirconia implants are more expensive.

  • Implant Size & Placement

Dental implants are priced based on size and placement. Implant size depends on the space between the teeth and jawbone density. Hence, the bigger the implant, the more expensive it is.

Compare Prices Of Dental Implants 

The cost of dental implants mainly varies from patient to patient, making it challenging to estimate the exact amount. Therefore, it is important to conduct a thorough search and compare prices.

A convenient way to compare prices is to speak with several dentists and receive estimates for the same procedure. Get detailed information about the procedure, materials, and a total breakdown of costs. As a result, you can use this information to compare the prices of different practices.

Online research is another method of comparing prices. You can find information about the average cost of dental procedures in your area on a number of websites dedicated to dental procedures. Additionally, you can read the reviews of other patients who have undergone a similar procedure and compare the prices they paid.

Hence, it is possible to find the best deal for cheap dental implants by comparing prices between multiple dentists and doing extensive research online.

For more detailed information related to dental implant procedures and costs, get in touch with a reliable dentist today.